Thursday, 30 June 2011

Carl has sold!

Well, it's finally happened.  I been bought!  If you were unlucky enough to miss it, then it all went down at 12:58 today.

I'm kind of excited.  It's not like human excitement, though.  Reptilian excitement is a more laid back affair.  We learn to hide it well.  We have to.  Imagine a tender young wildebeest watering at the side of a stinky river.  Now imagine a croc lying in wait, peering up from the depths.  Only, that old croc has such a munch-on that he starts swishing his tail, frothing at the mouth and auto-deathrolling like some crazy alligator.  Sure as anything, that wildebeest's gonna show a clean set of hooves and be tagging on to the end of the southerley migration before you can say Sobek (see May 31 post).

So we kinda keep it all bottled up.  My Keeper says that's a metaphor.  If like me, you have trouble with metaphors, then there's a picture above which shows a bottled croc.

Anyway, all that remains now is for the filthy lucre to change hands and I'm outta this place.  Gonna say farewell to the Keeper, the storage heater, the telly and everything and say hello to new stuff.  Possibly involving puppies growing on trees (see June 29 post).

So long for now,


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