Wednesday, 15 June 2011

Carl takes on the classics

(Source: Carl's Book Group)
Classics in a croc sense are classic moves.  You know, the old launch-out-of-the-water move; or the ever popular max-RPM-deathroll; or the crazy-belly-run.  That sort of thing.  So when the Keeper suggested I take on the classics in tonight's post, I was like hell yeh.

Well, unless there are any crocs reading, I reckon you won't be surprised to hear that human classics are a bit different.  A lot different.  They're books.  Oh well, when a croc says hell yeh, he's gotta follow thru.

(Source: Carl's Book Group)
I started off with Homer's Illiad.  It was really good and everything until the Greeks started getting all sneaky.  Not that there's anything wrong with sneaky, of course: lying-in-wait-underwater is one of the croc classics I was talking about earlier.  No, the problem is, they went for a wooden horse to get into Troy. Obviously, if they wanted a cool, handcrafted, wooden animal, then they missed a trick.

Then I moved on to Animal Farm. That was even better than the last book.  It was like reading a recipe book.  Made me feel hungry.  All animals are entitled to eat, but some are more entitled than others.  Mmm suckling pig.

(Source: Carl's Book Group)
The last book I read was To Kill A Mockingbird.  That one was really weird.  I started off thinking it was about hunting for snacks, but it didn't turn out that way at all.  All them mockingbirds and finches and no crunchy treats to speak of.

Well, all in all it was a pretty ok evening, and I had a chance to bring the full force of a Crocodile-theoretical  analytical framework to three works of human fiction.  What do I mean 'human fiction'!  Silly Carl.  That's like saying crocodile biteyness.

Fiction is always human coz it's made-up.  Just like crocs are always bitey.

Happy reading/biting,


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