Wednesday, 29 June 2011

Carl holds his breath

This is the Keeper speaking.  I realise that I won't be the Keeper for much longer, so I suppose you could describe me as the outgoing Keeper or even the lame-duck Keeper.  Nevertheless,  I currently have the authority to speak on Carl's behalf.


You see he is literally holding his breath in anticipation of the big sale.  It's due to end tomorrow evening.  Obviously, breath-holding is not especially problematic for a wooden crocodile since wooden crocodiles might generally be described as respiration-negative.  However, he did ask me to leave you with his final fact, which, as always, is entirely appropriate to his current predicament:

Carl's Croco-fact #11

Crocs can stay underwater for more than an hour on account of their croc haemoglobin which fills the blood with bicarbonate ions.

So wooden or not, crocs can hold their breath a long time, although up until 8pm tomorrow may be a bit of a big ask...

Happy bidding.

The Keeper

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